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MSE Exporter for JavaScript code
MSExporterJS allows to extract information from the source code of JavaScript systems and export it into an MSE file. From this, the MSE file can be imported to the Moose platform for performing different analysis on how the system is structured, interactions between its components, quality, etc.
Eclipse Plugin
The tool was developed as a plugin for Eclipse Platform using the JavaScript developement tools. We recommended the Eclipse Web Tools Platform for importing JavaScript project, and exporting into an MSE file.
Installing the plugin
- Download the lastest version of the plugin.
- Paste the plugin into the droping folder in the eclipse installation folder.
- Restart the eclipse IDE.
How to use
- Import the JavaScript project into the eclipse platform.
- Open the context menu over the project folder.
- Look for the option "MSEExporterJS -> Export MSE from JavaScript project".
- Select the folder to save the MSE file.
You can download the lastest version from here.
Have fun!