Negative exponents calculated incorrectly (!!!)

Issue #898 duplicate
Former user created an issue

In recent versions of speedcrunch, negative exponents in scientific notation (using the Xe-Y notation) are computed incorrectly.

As an example, the positive version works correctly here:

1/1e1 =1e-1

However, the negative version does not:

1/1e-1 =1.71828182845904523536e0

I'm not sure if this issue has to do with simple parsing of the input or some strange translation of the "e", but the end result is wrong answers. :)

Comments (3)

  1. Ryan

    Hi, Tey. Thanks for catching this duplicate.

    Could you please guide me toward a solution, though? Ticket 729 looks like it was fixed about two years ago. But the version that I downloaded just a few weeks ago appears to maintain the error. Is the version maintained at just really old? Or did the development fork off to a different place? Thanks!

  2. Tey'

    @ofer4 The latest release is 0.12 from 2016, and it contains multiple bugs that have been fixed afterwards. I'm not quite sure why we didn't publish a bugfix release since then TBH, and there's no ETA for the next release. In the meantime, you can download a development build if you find one for your system.

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