[0.12 / macOS 10.15.1] Problem with negative symbol

Issue #989 duplicate
Adrien Haage created an issue

I have been using speedcrunch for many years now, and in the past I was able to enter both positive and negative exponents (ex. 1e10, 1e-3) without any problem.

I have noticed that in version 0.12 using macOS I can’t enter negative exponents anymore!

The user guide confirms it still supports it and gives the following example of 1.234e-9

Now here is where this gets interesting: if I copy the number above from the user guide and paste it in speedcrunch, it is perfectly recognized as a negative exponent.

However if I type the same number by hand in speedcrunch, is it understood as: (1.234*e)-9!

So maybe there is a bug in the operators priorities?

Comments (4)

  1. Adrien Haage reporter

    Looking into src/core/evaluator.cpp → line 1235

    Not sure if it’s the test there, or the macro ‘isMinus()’ defined at line 59 that could cause this issue.

  2. Tey'

    AFAIK, there is no development builds for macOS but Gabriel G did build a release from recent source code here. We have no control over this release so we cannot validate it and check it does not contain nasty things, so use at your own risk...

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