Adding envelope for trigger-like parameters can result in crazy behavior

Issue #211 resolved
Benjamin Klum repo owner created an issue

For example for "Record slot". If the envelope is >0.5 that would trigger recording continuously. There should be a protection against such continuous triggering.

Comments (32)

  1. Benjamin Klum reporter

    re #211 Protect against flooding of "Record slot" parameter by just reacting to value changes, correctly initialize all non-persistent parameters to their default value on load

    → <<cset 91db14b89860>>

  2. Benjamin Klum reporter

    re #211 Fix use of parameter "Tempo detection mode" if currently MIDI overdubbing, also prevent crash when switching tempo detection mode on an then quickly off again

    → <<cset e2e60001474d>>

  3. Benjamin Klum reporter

    re #211 Protect parameter "Record selected slot" against flooding by just reacting to value changes, also start not to notify host anymore of parameter changes generated by Playtime itself (for now at least, could become interesting again if MIDI feedback is supported in future)

    → <<cset b001796b9010>>

  4. Benjamin Klum reporter

    re #211 Protect parameter "Fill selected slot with selected parameter" against flooding by just reacting to value changes, also fix possible freeze when using this parameter

    → <<cset c086f7ddf808>>

  5. Benjamin Klum reporter

    re #211 Protect parameter "Clear selected slot and keep item" against flooding by just reacting to value changes, also fix possible freeze when using this parameter

    → <<cset d4a0349784fe>>

  6. Benjamin Klum reporter

    re #211 Protect parameter "Fill selected slot with copy of selected item" against flooding by just reacting to value changes, also fix possible freeze when using this parameter

    → <<cset abc588ffb332>>

  7. Benjamin Klum reporter

    re #211 Protect parameter "Clear selected slot and delete item" against flooding by just reacting to value changes, also prevent possible freeze when using this parameter

    → <<cset 4fd245f261cd>>

  8. Benjamin Klum reporter
    • changed status to open

    Implementation is too restrictive. Currently, repeated triggering only works if the parameter is changed to 1, then back to 0 and then back to 1. That makes sense for envelopes but not for remote controlling. Momentary switches that never send a 0 but only a 1 won't work anymore then.

  9. Benjamin Klum reporter

    re #211 Protect trigger parameter against flooding only if it has an active envelope. That means if there's an active envelope, only value changes are accepted for (un)triggering in order to prevent continuous (un)triggering. If there's no active envelope (remote controlling use case), every value is accepted.

    → <<cset dc13aa537c82>>

  10. Benjamin Klum reporter

    re #211 Protect trigger parameter against flooding also if envelope not active by accepting a repeated value only if it's sent less than 100ms after the previous one

    → <<cset ebb33a683f98>>

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