Intallation problem (Mac OS 10.13.3)

Issue #314 resolved
Former user created an issue

Hi, can you advise how I can install Playtime on a Mac (OS 10.13.3). I downloaded the installer, but keep getting told I can't install in 'this location' (For me only). Unfortunately I don't have any choices of alternative locations, so what next....

Comments (10)

  1. joesh60

    Quick remark - I forgot to login to leave the issue report (concerning installation problems on OS 10.13). I'm not sure if this will show up in the comments, but just to say I'm following the discussion for a follow up - Joesh.

  2. Benjamin Klum repo owner

    Hi Josh. Oh no, I thought I have fixed those OS X installation issues. It's unbelievable how buggy is this OS X installer technology. Could you just try again and see if this "For me only" step is skipped? It should be skipped and you should be asked to enter the administrator password.

  3. joesh60

    Hi Ben, no I've tried numerous times, but no luck. I only have the option of 'for me only'. Thanks for your time - Joe

  4. Benjamin Klum repo owner

    Could you please try this installer? I researched a bit and changed an installer option that is known to create exactly this kind of issues. Please let me know if you have success, then I will make a new public installer release, available for everyone.

  5. joesh60

    Hi Benjamin, it worked - I'll try out Playtime later and get back to you to give you a complete update. Big thanks - Joe

  6. AN111

    Thanks! But... While it seems to install, the "About" field in Playtime says it's still version 1.13.

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