Integrate Repackaging and ConfuserEx steps as post build events for the Release step

Issue #16 resolved
Hemen Kapadia repo owner created an issue

When the released build is triggered from Visual Studio, the Post Build Events should handle the ILMerge and ConfuserEX steps. The resulting executable should be a merged and obfuscated executable

Comments (9)

  1. Hemen Kapadia reporter

    Also exes obfuscated using ConfuserEX are being detected as virus by many antivirus softwares. Find the balance between this false positive and the need to obfuscate Getbhavcopy exe.

  2. Hemen Kapadia reporter

    @DJ123143 , please restrict comments to the issue being discussed in this topic. If you do not see a relevant thread then please start a new issue, but do not cross post.

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