
Hendrawan Kuncoro Whitelabel Guide

Created by Hendrawan Kuncoro last modified




Hide WPMUDEV hero images

Custom image

Change WPMUDEV hero images with user uploaded image. If there are multiple WPMUDEV hero images in a single plugin page, user uploaded image only applicable on Top Main section of the page, if plugin use SUI, its usually the one that uses sui-summary css class ( Other images that are not on Top Main section will be hidden in this case.

Custom Text

Change WPMUDEV footer, this is usually Made with 🖤 by WPMUDEV and links that are below this text (if available). Custom text can be empty text means hide WPMUDEV footer altogether.


Hide any link that refers to WPMUDEV documentation page.




It will return boolean, whether use enabled Custom branding or not. Usage :

$hide_branding = apply_filters( 'wpmudev_branding_hide_branding', false );
if ( !$hide_branding) {


It will return string, url of user uploaded image Usage :

$custom_hero_image = apply_filters( 'wpmudev_branding_hero_image', '' );
if ( !empty( $custom_hero_image ) ) {
    echo "CHANGE WPMUDEV DEFAULT HERO IMAGE TO : " . $custom_hero_image;

It will return string, footer text to be used. Usage :

$footer_text = apply_filters( 'wpmudev_branding_footer_text', 'Made with <i>love</i> by WPMUDEV' );
echo "<footer>$footer_text</footer>"

It will return boolean, whether documentation link should be hidden or not. Usage :

$hide_doc_link = apply_filters( 'wpmudev_branding_hide_doc_link', false );
if ( !$hide_doc_link) {

Built-in (for plugins using SUI below 2.3.18)

Built in solutuion are for those already using SUI, this solution is built on top of JS/CSS script. Although this solutions is built to be compatible to plugins that using SUI it might be lack of forward compatibilty (i.e SUI markup changes or different implementation of markup tree). These functions are available to implement whitelabel:

  • wpmudev_whitelabel_sui_plugins_branding Whitelabel-ing Dashboard Hero image WPMUDev plugins that using SharedUI (sui) as base
  • wpmudev_whitelabel_sui_plugins_footer Whitelabel-ing Footer WPMUDev plugins that using SharedUI (sui) as base
  • wpmudev_whitelabel_sui_plugins_doc_links Whitelabel-ing Docs buttons WPMUDev plugins that using SharedUI (sui) as base

These function does not return anything, when this function called it will output sets of JS/CSS code to implement whitelabel. Beside those 3 functions wpmudev_whitelabel_plugin_pages wp filter also available. What this filter does is take an array with key is WP_Screen.base and values are callable functions to be executed when the page rendered. Usage :

add_filter( 'wpmudev_whitelabel_plugin_pages', function( $plugin_pages ){
    $plugin_pages['toplevel_page-myplugin'] = array(
    $plugin_pages['myplugin-settings'] = array(
    return $plugin_pages;

In above example we are whitelabeling myplugin plugins pages (dashboard and settings), myplugin-settings is depends on how you register your plugin page, check add_menu_page and add_submenu_page. And on both pages we execute built in functions to implement whitelabel and call one more function my_custom_whitelabel_function. Despite its simplicity, you might want to implement Manual implementation anyway, since its recommended and you will gain more control how to whitelabel your plugins.

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