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NMBU_INF200_H18 / Home

Welcome to the INF200 Wiki

This Wiki will provide information concerning the INF200 Advanced Programming course in the fall/winter term 2018/19. Most course material will be presented here instead of on the Canvas page for the course.

In order to participate in the course, you need to create your own Bitbucket account. Once you have created your Bitbucket account, you can watch this repository by clicking on the eye icon in the upper right-hand corner. You will then be informed when new material is placed on this page.

If you have any question concerning the course, I encourage you to open an issue here in the repository by clicking on the square-with-centered-dot icon to the left. In that way all participants will be able to see questions and answers. Feel free to write in Norwegian! Please note that this repository is public and visible to everyone. So you should not use it to discuss personal matters, for those, please contact us by email or in person.



  • During the fall term, you need to successfully solve smaller exercises. There will be hand-ins most weeks. You must pass this mandatory activity to be allowed to participate in the January block project. Details will be announced shortly.
  • During the January 2018 block period, you will work on a prescribed programming project together with a partner.
  • Attendance during the entire January block (Monday, January 7th, to Friday, January 25th) from 09.15 to 15.00 is mandatory.
  • Oral exam on Monday 28th and Tuesday 29th January.
  • Grading will be based on the code developed during your project and an individual oral exam.


  • Teacher: Hans Ekkehard Plesser (hans.ekkehard.plesser[at]
  • Teaching assistants: Daniel Prince, Eivind Sveen

Class schedule

Our weekly schedule is as follows:

Day Time Location Activity
Monday 14.00 Deadline for assignments
Monday 14–16 SU105 Lecture
Friday 08–10/10-12 U302/TF204 Supervised computer lab

Course Material
