LOG API returned 400 for newly created app

Issue #108 resolved
LiAh Sheep created an issue

probably due to blank access log.

03:47:31 portal.1 | Started GET "/osc/l/show?appname=app01&filename=nginx_access.log" for at 2015-04-02 03:47:31 +0800
03:47:32 portal.1 | Processing by Osc::LogsController#show as */*
03:47:32 portal.1 |   Parameters: {"appname"=>"app01", "filename"=>"nginx_access.log", "log"=>{}}
03:47:32 portal.1 |   User Load (0.5ms)  SELECT  `users`.* FROM `users`  WHERE `users`.`token` = 'f978bdf9b5aff7d1706510b2c09dc44f4663b60f52d875c204737f5e172aac8c' LIMIT 1
03:47:32 portal.1 |   App Load (0.4ms)  SELECT  `apps`.* FROM `apps` INNER JOIN `user_app_rights` ON `apps`.`id` = `user_app_rights`.`application_id` WHERE `user_app_rights`.`user_id` = 1 AND `apps`.`name` = 'app01' LIMIT 1
03:47:32 portal.1 |   UserAppRight Load (0.4ms)  SELECT  `user_app_rights`.* FROM `user_app_rights`  WHERE `user_app_rights`.`application_id` = 1 AND `user_app_rights`.`role` = 0  ORDER BY `user_app_rights`.`id` ASC LIMIT 1
03:47:32 portal.1 |   User Load (0.3ms)  SELECT  `users`.* FROM `users`  WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1
03:47:32 portal.1 |   Profile Load (0.3ms)  SELECT  `profiles`.* FROM `profiles`  WHERE `profiles`.`user_id` = 1 LIMIT 1
03:47:32 portal.1 | cmds: rhc ssh --ssh "ssh -i /tmp/key-034732153-kc" -a app01 --command "cd \$OPENSHIFT_LOG_DIR && echo *" -k --server broker.openshift.local -l test01liah -p 172aac8c
03:48:48 portal.1 | output: nginx_access.log nginx_error.log
03:48:48 portal.1 | cmds: rhc ssh --ssh "ssh -i /tmp/key-034848456-zo" -a app01 --command "cd \$OPENSHIFT_LOG_DIR && tail -n +1 nginx_access.log" -k --server broker.openshift.local -l test01liah -p 172aac8c
03:50:06 portal.1 | output: 
03:50:06 portal.1 | Completed 400 Bad Request in 153968ms (Views: 0.4ms | ActiveRecord: 1.9ms)

P.S. and the API is extremely slow with the .local TLD. Debugging is nearly impossible.

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