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jamulus-doc / Common Jamulus issues during rehearsal

Common Jamulus issues during rehearsal

Some common Jamulus issues that have occurred during our rehearsal and our suggestions on how to fix/minimize them.

My singing sounded 1/2 pitch lower

We are not sure what is causing this problem but singers reported that restarting the computer fixed the issue.

I cannot find the Jamulus server

  • In the "Connection Setup" window, make sure that you use the right "List" (for example: "Genres Classical/Folk/Choir")
  • Use "Filter" to reduce the list entries

Screen Shot 2020-09-16 at 9.03.55 AM.png

The list in my "Connection Setup" window is empty

Here is an alternate method for finding the rehearsal Jamulus server

  • Open the following web page
  • Select "Genres Classical/Folk/Choir"
  • Use browser find (keyboard shortcut - Mac: command-f, PC: control-f) to find the server name.
  • If found, make a note of the value in column IP (fourth column). For example
  • Then go back to Jamulus "Connection Setup" window. Enter the IP number in the "Server Name/Address" to connect.
  • If nothing found under "Genres Classical/Folk/Choir", try switch to "Genres Classical/Folk/Choir"

I am hearing screeching noises

Try adjusting your own mix panel, adjust the volume of each input channel to be the most comfortable level. The meter (flickering light that goes up and down) shows the volume. If you see the light goes all the way to the top and temporarily show a RED color then the volume is too high. You can use the slider to adjust.

Screen Shot 2020-09-16 at 9.18.06 AM.png

Source of feedback noise

Feedback occurs when audio is coming out of your computer speaker (and then goes right back into the microphone and keep on looping ...) due to

  • You are not using a headphone
  • Headphone connection is loose
  • You connect your headphone AFTER starting Jamulus

If you notice that you might have accidentally created audio feedback,

  • Disconnect from current Jamulus server
  • Stop Jamulus
  • Make sure your headphone connection is snugged
  • Start Jamulus
  • Connect to the test server
    • List: All Genres
    • Filter: "Hung Le"
    • If you cannot find the server, you can use IP address: in the "Server Name/Address"
    • Make sure you set up is working correctly: no more feedback.
    • Disconnect from test server
  • Re-join Cantabile rehreasal Jamulus server

Audio issue (can't hear, microphone not working)

Often, this is due to a conflict between Zoom and Jamulus. If possible, run Zoom on another device/computer.

If you have to run Zoom and Jamulus on the same device/computer, go through the following procedure to minimize the audio conflict

  • Stop Jamulus
  • In Zoom, select "Leave Computer Audio"
  • Make sure your headphone is connected and the connection is firm.
  • Start Jamulus

In Zoom, the screenshot below shows where you can find the "Leave Computer Audio" choice (bottom left, microphone icon)

Screen Shot 2020-09-16 at 9.40.56 AM.png

After "Leave Computer Audio" is selected, you should see the microphone icon looks like this

Screen Shot 2020-09-16 at 9.41.22 AM.png
