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dist-sunriise / Home


This is the home page for sunriise project whose goal is to provide a set of tools to read/extract data from msmoney file.

Available tools

  • sunriise-export: To export msmoney file into other formats (csv, json, mdb)
  • sunriise-accountviewer: A read-only UI for msmoney file. I use this mainly to exercise the low-level codes to parse msmoney format.
  • sunriise-mdb-explorer: A read-only UI for low-level mny file. You can use this to view msmoney tables info such as number of rows, columns, keys, how much disk spaces per table. You can use this also to verify that the mny file is "valid" (in a sense that it can be parsed).
  • sunriise-spring: To provide REST/JSON service

These tools work best with Money file with suffix .mny. For money files with other suffixes such as mbf, mn9, m10 and so on see this page.

sunriise-export CSV

Value propositions

  • You can export all your accounts, transactions data in one pass (vs. per account to QIF available in msmoney)
  • You can export all your data into a neutral, open format that can be further processed by other tools such as Excel.
  • You can you use this process as an alternate backup method (again to a format that has no dependency on msmoney)
  • The export transaction data preserve transfer linkage, splits, investment data, download OFX transaction id

To export msmoney data into CSV format, see this page. Example output for transactions

"2771","2006/01/30","","-4300.00","","Transfer from Charlie & May’s Joint Investment","","-1","","0","","-1","73","Charlie & May’s Joint Inv (Cash)","false","false","false","false","true","72","2770","false","ACTIVITY_UNKNOWN","","","","","","false","Non-recurring","-1","",""
