Building a FOB requires too many crates in CTLD

Issue #164 new
Bigfoot created an issue

I tried to build a FOB and it required nine small FOB crates or 3 large crates (3 small = 1 large crate in CTLD). Is this something that needs to be adjusted in CTLD or does it really require nine crates on gaw? It would be nice for helicopters to be able to transport three small FOB crates to an enemy area, setup a FOB then deploy troops and sams, etc. Adds a whole new dimension to the helicopter mission and combined arms. CTLD just needs to be set at 1 instead of 3 for fob crates required to build so three small crates can build a fob if you guys decide to add this enhancement. Thanks! See issue #194 too.

Comments (3)

  1. Gillogical

    CTLD was adjusted to 1 bigun

    Tested in full effect 7 March. It was fun. With a bit more time we might have been able to take Bravo via Alpha with choppers and some friendly CAP

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