
Camilo Rocha Minimal heap (a.k.a., minimal leftist heap) with maximum capacity

Created by Former user

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+class minheap(object):
+  """implements a minheap"""
+  def __init__(self,cap=100):
+    """creates an empty minheap with the given capacity"""
+    self.__h = [ None for i in range(cap) ]
+    self.__len = 0
+  def __str__(self):
+    """return the string representation of the minheap"""
+    return str(self.__h[:self.__len])
+  def __len__(self):
+    """return the number of elements in the collection"""
+    return self.__len
+  def capacity(self):
+    """return the capacity of the minheap"""
+    return len(self.__h)
+  def is_empty(self):
+    """return if the collection is empty or not"""
+    return len(self)==0
+  def is_full(self):
+    """return if the collection is full or not"""
+    return len(self)==len(self.__h)
+  def __parent(self,i):
+    """return the index of the parent of the given index"""
+    return (i-1)>>1
+  def __left(self,i):
+    """return the index of the left child of the given index"""
+    return 1+(i<<1)
+  def __right(self,i):
+    """return the index of the right child of the given index"""
+    return (i+1)<<1
+  def __heapify_up(self,i):
+    """moves the element up in the tree assuming that the rest of the tree
+       satisfies the heap property
+    """
+    if i>0:
+      p = self.__parent(i)
+      if self.__h[p]>self.__h[i]:
+        self.__h[p],self.__h[i] = self.__h[i],self.__h[p]
+        self.__heapify_up(p)
+  def __heapify_down(self,i):
+    """moves the element down in the tree assuming that the rest of the
+       tree satisfies the heap property
+    """
+    l,r,b = self.__left(i),self.__right(i),i
+    if l<len(self) and self.__h[l]<self.__h[b]: b = l
+    if r<len(self) and self.__h[r]<self.__h[b]: b = r
+    if b!=i:
+      self.__h[b],self.__h[i] = self.__h[i],self.__h[b]
+      self.__heapify_down(b)
+  def get_min(self):
+    """return the minimum of the collection"""
+    assert len(self)!=0
+    return self.__h[0]
+  def remove_min(self):
+    """remove the minimum of the collection"""
+    assert len(self)!=0
+    self.__h[0] = self.__h[len(self)-1] ; self.__len -= 1
+    if len(self)>1:
+      self.__heapify_down(0)
+  def insert(self,x):
+    """insert the element in the collection"""
+    assert len(self)!=self.capacity()
+    self.__h[len(self)] = x; self.__len += 1
+    if self.__len>1:
+      self.__heapify_up(self.__len-1)

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