
Camilo Rocha Double-linked list with sentinel

Created by Camilo Rocha

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+class clist(object):
+  """double-linked list implementation with sentinel"""
+  def __init__(self):
+    """create an empty list in O(1)"""
+    self.__len = 0
+    self.__sentinel = node()
+    self.__sentinel._next = self.__sentinel
+    self.__sentinel._prev = self.__sentinel
+  def __len__(self):
+    """return the length of the list in O(1)"""
+    return self.__len
+  def __contains__(self,x):
+    """return if x is in the list in O(N)"""
+    return self.__contains_aux(x,self.__sentinel._next)
+  def __contains_aux(self,x,nd):
+    """auxiliary search function in O(N)"""
+    ans = None
+    if nd == self.__sentinel:
+      ans = False
+    elif nd._val == x:
+      ans = True
+    else:
+      ans = self.__contains_aux(x,nd._next)
+    return ans
+  def __str__(self):
+    """return the string representation of the list in O(N)"""
+    ans = list()
+    self.__str_aux(ans,self.__sentinel._next)
+    return str(ans)
+  def __str_aux(self,ans,nd):
+    if nd != self.__sentinel:
+      ans.append(nd._val)
+      self.__str_aux(ans,nd._next)
+  def insert_last(self,x):
+    """insert an element to the end of the list in O(1)"""
+    prev = self.__sentinel._prev
+    nd = node(prev,x,self.__sentinel)
+    prev._next = self.__sentinel._prev = nd
+    self.__len += 1
+  def insert_first(self,x):
+    """insert an element to the head of the list in O(1)"""
+    nxt = self.__sentinel._next
+    nd = node(self.__sentinel,x,nxt)
+    nxt._prev = self.__sentinel._next = nd
+    self.__len += 1
+  def remove_last(self):
+    """delete the element last in the list, if any in O(1)"""
+    assert not(self.is_empty())
+    last = self.__sentinel._prev
+    prev = self.__sentinel._prev = last._prev
+    prev._next = self.__sentinel
+    last._next = last._prev = None
+    self.__len -= 1
+  def remove_first(self):
+    """delete the element first in the list, if any in O(1)"""
+    assert not(self.is_empty())
+    first = self.__sentinel._next
+    nxt = self.__sentinel._next = first._next
+    nxt._prev = self.__sentinel
+    first._next = first._prev = None
+    self.__len -= 1
+  def is_empty(self):
+    """return if the list is empty in O(1)"""
+    return self.__len==0
+  def get_last(self):
+    """return the element last in the list, if any, in O(1)"""
+    assert not(self.is_empty())
+    return self.__sentinel._prev._val
+  def get_first(self):
+    """return the element first in the list, if any, in O(1)"""
+    assert not(self.is_empty())
+    return self.__sentinel._next._val
+class node(object):
+  """node implementation with previous, value, and next fields"""
+  def __init__(self,prev=None,val=None,nxt=None):
+    """creates an empty node in O(1)"""
+    self._prev = prev
+    self._val = val
+    self._next = nxt
+  def __str__(self):
+    """return the string representation of the node in O(1)"""
+    return self._val

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