Support for multi-select

Issue #13 resolved
Al Habte created an issue

Plugin name: Project Specific Select Field Version :1.2.4

I am evaluating this plugin. Unless I am missing something, the only custom field type supported by this plugin is of single-select. What is the plan to support custom fields of multi-select type?

Thanks. Al Habte

Comments (15)

  1. Holger Schimanski repo owner

    Many thanks for your request! Currently multi-select is not possible with this plugin. I need to do some days of implementation to do so. But in general it would be possible and fits to the main direction of the plugin.

    How important is this multi select for you? Would this be nice to have or essential for your use case? Can you describe your use case?

  2. Antonio Cerezo

    Hi Holger, we have a customer who owns a license of the plugin and it's also interested in this feature. Is that in the roadmap of the plugin and could be expected in a near future?

    Thanks, Antonio

  3. Holger Schimanski repo owner

    Dear Antonio, Dear Al!

    I started working on this feature. Plan to get it finished and release in December.

    For end users like project admins or project members it will look and feel very similar to current single select (tab with statistics, add / deactivate select options, JQL integration...)

    From technical point of view it is a bigger change. Currently it is based on JIRA text field with exact match searcher storing the select options in a separate table.

    For multi-select it will be based on JIRA multi-select fields and it will use custom field contexts to store select options similar to standard multi-select. Configuration of the custom field context (disabling, adding of select options, default value) will be exposed to project admins via the tab. Project Specific Select Field plugin will also do the creation of these custom field contexts for the projects.

    What do you think?

    Cheers, Holger

  4. Al Habte reporter

    Thank you for addressing the requested capability.

    I performed detailed evaluation of this tool against the needs of users in the company and will post what my colleagues concluded as gaps. I will provide that just as a feedback.

    Al Habte

  5. Rich Walsh

    Hi Holger

    Did you complete this? Our use-case is simple - we have one JIRA "project" per customer. In the dropdowns, the first select will be the client project (like "Fulfillment System") and the the second select will show the billable line items for that "client project" like "Front-End UI" or "REST API".

    If our developers choose a new "client project from the first dropdown like "Website", then the second dropdown choices - of course - would reflect it's billable line items.

    Thanks! Rich

  6. Holger Schimanski repo owner

    Hello Rich!

    I am not sure, if I got your point. In your description "client project" is your "JIRA project per customer"? Otherwise this sounds like a cascade select, which is #14.

    In your use case should a developer be able to choose more than one billable line item for one issue e.g. both "Front-End UI" and "REST API" for ISSUE-42?

    Cheers, Holger

  7. Gergely Szollosi

    Hi Holger,

    Formerly you said the release is planned to be in December. Could you please give an estimate when will this feature be available? The missing of this functionality is holding back one of our customer(who owns a license).

    Regards, Gergely

  8. Holger Schimanski repo owner

    Sorry for the delay. New target is mid February now. My initial approach of creating a custom field context for each project didn't work that good, because this requests a re-index. I found a better approach (without need for re-index), but needs some cleanup and finalization before I can release it.

    Best regards, Holger

  9. Antonio Cerezo

    Hi Holger, is the estimation for the release of this feature still mid February? Thanks and regards, Antonio

  10. Claire Nelson

    Will there be a release in February as we have stalled on some important changes and will make alternative arrangements if the plug-in is not going to be available to provide the functionality. Thank you.

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