Code background colour option

Issue #65 new
arm atlassian created an issue


We have installed your plugin in Jira 6 and one of the users is mentioning the following:

In the old JIRA system, a code paste was displayed with a gray background. This was improving the overview. This feature is now missing.

{code} This Code snippet should have a gray background

Is this something that you can help with?

Regards, Areg

Comments (5)

  1. John Bayne

    Having installed the Add-on some of my users have raised this issue too.

    Would be good to know if we can make a change to establish a background colour ...

  2. Holger Schimanski repo owner

    Actually I looked at Confluence how layout is done the because it looked more professional from my point of view.

    You can easily create your own release by unzipping the jar and then change background color as you like in the css file in the jar.

    Would that be okay for you?

    Switching back to old layout from JIRA with grey background color doesn't look attractive for me.

  3. Areg Vrtanesyan Account Deactivated


    Actually that is not a nice option.

    It is not acceptable to have a repackaged plugin installed on Production instance when the whole business is relying on Jira.

    May be you could consider to have a options file, configuration option or something like that to have new scheme and old scheme in one PlugIn ?

    And I don't think that if something is applicable to confluence is applicable to Jira by default. They are different products and doing different stuff.

    Highlighting code, quote and other text is giving ability to users spot the necessary parts quite quick.

    If it has same colour it is hard to distinguish.



  4. Daniel Bengtsson

    I agree it would make most sense to let the jira plugin follow the existing style and layout in jira as closely as possible. Then have configurable options in the settings to move away from that.

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