JIRA Syntax Highlighter: Compatibility check with JIRA Data Center

Issue #87 wontfix
Pranali Dharme created an issue

Hi Sir,

We are using JIRA server v7.12.1

Now we are planning for upgrading it to Data Center v8.20 

The plugin JIRA Syntax Highlighter is there in JIRA server 7.12.1 but it is incompatible with JIRA Data Center. Please help us with the below questions w.r.t compatibility with JIRA Data Center:


Que #1: Are you planning to make the plugin (JIRA Syntax Highlighter) compatible with JIRA Data Center v8.20 in upcoming releases? 

Que #2: If yes for Que #1 then when you will be releasing the compatible version?

Que #3: If no for Que #1 then could you please suggest any alternate plugin which will be available for JIRA Data Center v8.20?

Thanks and Regards,

Pranali Dharme

Comments (3)

  1. Holger Schimanski repo owner

    The plugin is out of support since years already and does not support Jira v8.20.

    This is because with Jira 7.5 significantly enhanced syntax highlighting was released making Jira Syntax Highligher obsolete. And it also had challenges with the new rich text editor introduced a few version before 7.5.

    See here https://confluence.atlassian.com/jiracore/jira-core-7-5-x-release-notes-935578211.html for details about 7.5. Hope this helps.

    Best regards

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