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enmap-box-idl / imageSVM Classification - Manual for Application

Concept of imageSVM

imageSVM is an IDL based tool for the support vector machine (SVM) classification and regression analysis of remote sensing image data. Its workflow allows a flexible and transparent use of the support vector concept for both simple and advanced classification/regression approaches.

The goal of imageSVM is to advance the use of the support vector concept in the field of remote sensing image analysis. To achieve this goal the following objectives were defined: (1) create a platform and license independent implementation for SVM classification and regression; (2) enable the use of common image file formats for data in- and output, including training and validation data; (3) integrate a widely accepted, powerful algorithm for the training of the SVM that is open-source and updated by machine learning specialist on a regular basis; (4) offer alternative workflows for automized parameterization (by default values) and user-defined parameterization (limited to parameters relevant for remote sensing); (5) visualize training parameters and intermediate results in a transparent workflow to increase the understanding and acceptance of the support vector approach in the remote sensing community.

imageSVM uses LIBSVM (Chang and Lin 2001) during the training of the SVM. LIBSVM is a tool for support vector classification, regression and distribution estimation. It is open-source and freely available, was developed in 2001 and is updated and improved on a regular basis. Currently, LIBSVM version 2.88 is implemented in imageSVM through the IDL Java Bridge.

imageSVM is developed as a non-commercial product at the Geomatics Lab of Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. By distributing the tool, the authors hope to enlarge the number of applications with imageSVM and in this way learn more about its performance, strengths and weaknesses. This is especially important against the background of the great variety of data types, e.g. hyperspectral, SAR, or multi-temporal, and the different fields of applications, e.g. aquatic, urban, or geological. The code is updated regularly to further improve the performance. Experiences from users will be considered, e.g. for default values, but also during methodological development. Users of imageSVM are hence strongly encouraged (- expected -) to report their experiences and problems.

imageSVM is programmed in IDL. It can be run using the IDL Virtual MachineTM or the EnMAP Box and does not require a license of IDL or ENVI.

At the moment, imageSVM uses generic image file formats with an ENVI type header as used by the EnMAP-Box (Version 2.1, see Data Format Definition). These formats are used for remote sensing image data as well as for the input of reference data. The generation of reference data has to be performed outside of imageSVM. Please refer to section Data Types for information on file formats.

The classification/regression of image data in imageSVM comprises a two step approach consisting of (1) the parameterization of a support vector classifier (SVC) or support vector regression (SVR) based on reference data, and (2) the classification/ the users’ regression of the image data itself (compare following figure). By splitting-up the workflow into these two steps, different data sets can be used for parameterization and image classification/regression in order to save processing time or allow the processing of multiple images. Moreover, the general idea of machine learning is brought into minds: any supervised classification/regression creates an instance of the algorithm fitted to the reference data in a training process. The idea behind this concept of machine learning is important when accuracy, reliability and transferability of results are discussed.

During the parameterization of the SVC/SVR advanced users are free to manipulate the parameters and in this way enhance the processing speed, generality of results and sometimes accuracy of the approach.

imageSVM 3.0 offers the possibility of using probability outputs for the final class decisions during classification (compare Section Classify Image) based on the concept of (Platt 2000; Wu et al. 2004). These probability outputs might function as an empirical measure of reliability of class decisions and this way increase the value of classification results.

Moreover, imageSVM 3.0 offers the possibility to perform a selection of features during regression and classification. A very powerful algorithm for directly exploring the relationship between classification/regression accuracy and selected features is the so-called wrapper approach in combination with a stepwise forward selection/backward elimination heuristic for selecting relevant features. During forward selection, the approach begins with an empty feature set and SVM are trained for each single feature. The feature corresponding to the best performing SVM is then selected. In the second iteration, SVM are trained for each pair of features consisting of the previously best performing feature and one additional feature. Again, the pair of features corresponding to the best performing SVM is then selected. This step is repeated until all features are selected or a user defined stopping criterion is reached. This results in a ranked list of features with corresponding performances. Backward elimination, on the other hand, starts with the full set of features and iteratively takes out the feature that contributes least to the SVM’s accuracy. Both options are implemented in imageSVM 3.0.



Support vector machines are one of the more recent developments in the field of machine learning. They proved reliable and accurate in many classifications and have become a first choice algorithm for many remote sensing users. For a detailed introduction into support vector machines and the underlying concepts please refer to Vapnik (1998), Burges (1998), Smola (1998) or to relevant descriptions of SVM in the remote sensing context (Foody and Mathur 2004; Huang et al. 2002; Melgani and Bruzzone 2004; Waske and van der Linden 2008). At this point only a brief overview shall be given:

The support vector machine is a universal learning machine for solving classification or regression problems (Smola and Schoelkopf 1998; Vapnik 1998) and can be seen as an implementation of Vapnik's Structural Risk Minimization principle. Its strength is the ability to model complex, non-linear class boundaries – or in the case of regression the relation between dependent variables – in high dimensional feature spaces through the concept of kernel functions and regularization.

In general, SVM for classification delineate two classes by fitting an optimal separating hyperplane to the training data of corresponding classes in the multi-dimensional feature space. For linearly not separable classes, the training data are implicitly mapped by a kernel function into a higher dimensional space, wherein the new data distribution enables a better fitting of a linear hyperplane. The parameterization of an SVC requires the user to select the parameter(s) of the kernel function as well as a regularization parameter. Once these parameters have been selected, a quadratic optimization problem is solved to construct the optimal separating hyperplane. The solution of this optimization problem is a vector of weights, one for each training data vector. Only those training data vectors with non-zero weight are needed to define the optimal separating hyperplane, i.e. the support vectors.

In remote sensing applications the Gaussian radial basis function kernel K(x,xi) = exp(−g|x-xi|2) proved to be effective with reasonable processing times. It requires the user to select the parameter g that defines the width of the Gaussian kernel function. The Gaussian kernel is a so-called universal kernel, thus an SVC with this kernel can separate any class distribution at any precision. A regularization parameters C controls the trade-off between the maximization of the margin between the training data vectors and the decision boundary plus the penalization of training errors (more precisely margin errors). Therefore C directly limits the influence of individual training data vectors. Both parameters, the g and C, depend on the data range and distribution and they differ from one classification problem to another. A common strategy to search for adequate values for g and C is a two-dimensional grid search with internal validation. This strategy is implemented in imageSVM. The binary nature of the original SVM approach requires an adequate multiclass decomposition strategy to solve real world problems, which usually contain more than two classes. One of the most popular strategies is the one-against-one strategy (OAO). During OAO several SVM classifiers are trained for separating all possible class pairs. Beside using simple majority vote over all binary SVC outputs to assign the multi-class decision, it is also possible to first transform binary SVC decision function values into binary probabilities (Platt 2000) and then estimate class probabilities by using pair-wise coupling approach (Wu et al. 2004). Afterwards the class with the highest probability will be selected. Both concepts are implemented in imageSVM and can be applied for classification.

User Guide

Data Types

The current version of imageSVM is delivered with the EnMAP-Box version 2.1. It is therefore compatible with all data types that can be loaded into the EnMAP-Box. Please refer to the EnMAP-Box Manual for further information.

In general, the EnMAP-Box version 2.1 and imageSVM 3.0 require input files to be stored in a generic file format with ENVI style header file. Accordingly, images, masks, and reference areas used during processing have to be provided as binary files with an ASCII header.

ENVI can be used to convert external files into the ENVI standard file type, which is read by the EnMAP-Box. If the image is open in ENVI, select File > Save As from the main menu bar. Select the Input File, click OK, and define as Output File ENVI.

Parameterize SV Classification Model (SVC)

The parameterization of an SVC, which in the terminology of imageSVM refers to a completely parameterized support vector classifier for a certain (multiclass) classification problem, requires the definition of the kernel parameter g and the regularization parameter C. Ideal values for these parameters depend on the distribution of the classes in the feature space. It is hence useful to test ranges of parameters using a grid search with internal performance estimation. In doing so, pairs of g and C are tested and those parameters with the best performance are used for the training of the final SVC. In imageSVM, the user can decide to parameterize the SVC using either default or advanced settings.

Default Settings

Default values for the grid search will be used to find ideal parameter values for g and C. In the test data set provided with the EnMAP-Box you will find hyperspectral imagery with classification reference values.

  • Select File > Open > EnMAP-Box Test Images.
  • Now select Applications > Classification > imageSVM Classification > Parameterize SV Classifier (SVC).


  • Choose the Image to be classified, in this case ‘AF_Image’. On the right side you find a button to Select Bands, where it is possible to select a spectral subset of the image.
  • Now select the file specifying the Reference Areas for the training, ‘AF_LC_Training’. Then define where to save the *.svc File, by default the temporary folder is selected.
  • The default values can be examined by clicking Advanced (for more information see next section). In most cases, default values already lead to high accuracies.


  • Click Accept when you are finished.


An *.svc file will be written to disc and appear in the Filelist. After parameterization, you are asked if you want to immediately apply the model to an image, and also a report on the generated SVC file will open in your HTML browser (explained further in section View SVC Parameters). If you click yes, you immediately proceed with the classification described in section Classify Image.


Advanced Settings

  • Again select Applications > Classification > imageSVM Classification > Parameterize SV Classifier (SVC). Click Advanced to continue with the advanced settings. The SVC parameterization dialog is now expanded.

Here, the user is allowed to modify the grid search and to select

  • min (g/C), max (g/C): Minimum and maximum values that define the range of the grid (g and C dimension).
  • Multiplier (g/C): Specifies the step size of the grid. For high numbers of features, e.g. in hyperspectral data, and high numbers of training samples, the time needed for the grid search might be relatively high. In this case it might be useful to increase the the multiplier from 10 to 100 and investigate the performance surface before repeating the search for the relevant ranges with a smaller multiplier.
  • Cross Validation: The accuracy of results during the grid search is monitored by n-fold cross validation on the training data. The number of folds might be increased depending on the heterogeneity of your data. This will, however, increase the time needed for the grid search.
  • termination criterion for grid search: During the grid search a value of 0.1 proved sufficient to select the best pair of parameters, however it can be changed.
  • termination criterion for final training: For the training of the SVC using the best parameters or user-defined values a default value for termination of 0.001 is selected and can also be changed.
  • Finally you can choose the performance evaluation method, either using Standard SVC Performance, or the SVCQuant Performance, as described here or here.

On this basis, ideal parameter values for g and C will be found.

  • Specify the SVC File name and path for the Output. By default, the name “svcModel.svc” and the temporary folder are proposed. Click Accept when you are finished with the advanced settings.


A file with the support vector classifier (*.svc) will be written to disc, again a report will open (see section View SVC Parameters) and you are asked if you want to immediately classify the image.

Classify Image

You can now start with the classification of the image data. Skip this step if you have already done it immediately after parameterization.

  • From the imageSVM Classification menu, select Classify Image.


  • Select the generated SVC File and the Image to be classified. Optional: Apply a Mask.
  • Define where to save the output SVC Estimation and check if the Output Probabilities are to be saved as well.


  • Click Accept when you are finished.

Two files will appear in your Filelist: the classification estimation and an image stack with the output probabilities for each class.

Fast Accuracy Assessment

For methodological studies it might be interesting to perform different trainings and compare results based on a set of independent validation points without performing the complete image classification. The classification of entire images requires unnecessary processing. By using the Fast Accuracy Assessment tool, only user specified reference areas are extracted from an image and used for the independent validation of an SVC. The output is summarized and transferred into several performance measures for evaluation. These include Overall Accuracy, class-wise User's Accuracies and Producer's Accuracies.

  • From the imageSVM Classification menu, select Fast Accuracy Assessment.


  • Specify the SVC File, the Image to which it shall be applied and the Reference Areas for independent validation.


  • Click Accept.

The report with the results will open in your HTML browser, in which the following information are displayed.

  • Quick Overview: Overall accuracy measures and class-wise measures including the 95% confidence interval.


  • Error Matrix: Containing the number of correctly classified pixels in the diagonal (here marked in green), omitted pixels in the column of each class, falsely included pixels in the row of each class.


  • Estimated Map Areas
  • Performance Measures for each class
    • Error of Omission [%]: The share of reference pixels in that class that have been “omitted” in the classification image (pixels in the column except from the diagonal). Equals 100 minus Producer Accuracy.
    • Error of Commission [%]: Percentage of class pixels in the classification image which are falsely classified. Equals 100 minus User Accuracy.
    • User Accuracy [%]: 100 minus Error of Commission.
    • Producer Accuracy [%]: 100 minus Error of Omission.
    • F1 Measure [%]: Weighted harmonic mean of User Accuracy (UA) and Producer Accuracy (PA).
      F1 Measure of class i is given by: F1i = 2*UAi.PAi/(UAi+PAi).
    • Avg. F1 Accuracy: Arithmetic mean of class-wise F1 measures.
    • Overall Accuracy [%]: Percentage of correctly classified pixels.
    • Kappa Accuracy: Kappa value

View SVC Parameters

  • The report opens up automatically after successful parameterization. However, it can also be opened manually by selecting Applications > imageSVM Classification > View SVC Parameters.


  • The following dialog asks you to specify the SVC File for which the information shall be displayed.


Accept, and your HTML browser will open with information on
- imageSVM Model: path and name;
- Input Files: paths and names;
- Training Data: Information on Number of Samples (reference pixels), Number of Features (bands in the input image), Features Subset (selected bands, default=all), Number of Classes and Class Names;
- Model Parameter: the selected optimal parameters g and C, the Termination Criterion, Number of Support Vectors and Class-wise Support Vectors;
- Parameter Search: information on the grid search settings;
- The Search History with the Performance Surface plot illustrates calculated values of the F1 performance estimator for all kernel and regularisation parameter combinations which were tested during grid search.

The performance surface helps both to easily reconstruct and evaluate the grid search performance. In general, good parameter combinations appear bright. You should, however, also check the performance estimator values (e.g. the best measure will always appear bright but its value can be relative low). In case of a poor performance, it might be useful to repeat the grid search with new ranges and step sizes. This can be done by widening the range towards values where higher performance measure values are expected. You can also exclude combinations with low performance estimation and in this way save processing time or decrease the step size for regions with high performance measures for a more detailed search.



SVC Feature Selection

One further option implemented in imageSVM 3.0 is an SVM based wrapper approach for Feature Selection (Kohavi and John 1997). The use of a smaller number of features may result in a non-inferior accuracy compared to the use of larger feature sets, and provides potential advantages regarding data storage and computational processing costs (Foody 2010). For the Feature Selection, a previously built SVC (or SVR) model is required.

  • From the imageSVM Classification menu, select SVC Feature Selection.


In the appearing dialog the previously created SVC File is already selected, or choose a different one.

  • Now choose the Selection Type:
    • Forward Selection - During forward selection, the approach begins with an empty feature set and SVM are trained for each single feature. The feature corresponding to the best performing SVM is then selected. In the second iteration, SVM are trained for each pair of features consisting of the previously best performing feature and one additional feature. Again, the pair of features corresponding to the best performing SVM is than selected. This step is repeated until all features are selected or a user defined stopping criterion is reached. This results in a ranked list of features with corresponding performances.
    • Backward Elimination – Here, on the other hand, the algorithm starts with the full set of features and iteratively takes out the feature that contributes least to the SVM’s accuracy.
  • Define the Number of Cross Validation folds, by default 3 is set.
  • Define the Termination Criterion which is by default set to 0.1.
  • Click Accept.


The Averaged F1 Measure is used for the internal performance evaluation, i.e. for the decision of the next feature to select/eliminate. For details on the F1 Measure see section Fast Accuracy Assessment.

After the chosen options have been accepted the feature selection will be calculated. The duration of the process depends on the number of features and training samples and may take up to several hours e.g. in case of hyperspectral imagery. The results are presented in an HTML report and will open up in your browser.

In the report, the model file used and the selected parameters are shown, then the Feature Ranking is listed with learning curves giving a graphical representation of the results. The Search History of each iteration is tabulated. In each table, the selected features/feature subsets are listed with their performances. Furthermore the Best Performing Subset up to this iteration and the Selected Feature of the current iteration are listed.




Burges, C.J.C. (1998). A tutorial on Support Vector Machines for pattern recognition. Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery, 2, 121-167
Chang, C.-C., & Lin, C.-J. (2011). LIBSVM: a library for support vector machines. In ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology (TIST) 2 (3), 27.
Foody, G.M., & Mathur, A. (2004). A relative evaluation of multiclass image classification by support vector machines. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 42, 1335-1343
Foody, G.M.P., M. (2010). Feature Selection for Classification of Hyperspectral Data by SVM. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 48, 2297-2307
Huang, C., Davis, L.S., & Townshend, J.R.G. (2002). An assessment of support vector machines for land cover classification. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 23, 725-749
Kohavi, R., & John, G.H. (1997). Wrappers for feature subset selection. Artificial Intelligence, 97, 273-324
Melgani, F., & Bruzzone, L. (2004). Classification of hyperspectral remote sensing images with support vector machines. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 42, 1778-1790
Platt, J.C. (2000). Probabilistic Outputs for Support Vector Machines and Comparisons to Regularized Likelihood Methods. Advances in Large Margin Classifiers, 61-74
Smola, A., & Schoelkopf, B. (1998). A Tutorial on Support Vector Regression
Vapnik, V.N. (1998). Statistical Learning Theory. New York: Wiley
Waske, B., & van der Linden, S. (2008). Classifying multilevel imagery from SAR and optical sensors by decision fusion. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 46, 1457-1466
Wu, T.F., Lin, C.J., & Weng, R.C. (2004). Probability estimates for multi-class classification by pairwise coupling. Journal of Machine Learning Research, 5, 975-1005

Terms of Use imageSVM version 3.0 © Copyright imageSVM version 3.0: Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Geomatics Lab, 2014 Redistribution and use of imageSVM in binary form, with or without modification, are permitted for scientific purposes provided that the following conditions are met: 1. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. 2. Neither name of copyright holders nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. Any commercial use of imageSVM, derivatives thereof or of results achieved by using the software is prohibited. DISCLAIMER: THE SOFTWARE "imageSVM" IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE REGENTS OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE.

imageSVM requires LIBSVM by Chih-Chung Chang and Chih-Jen Lin. Please note the copyright notice at
