Test data: fraction_points layer styling

Issue #1052 resolved
Benjamin Jakimow created an issue

The default style of tests/testdata/fraction_points.gpkg uses a Text Diagram renderer to show the fraction values per point.
To meet a couple of “good cartographic practices”, these settings should be improved by:

  • do not show overlapping text lines
  • show number with a consistent number of decimal places (use round function)
  • add a glow / halo effect to improve character contrast to background pixels with similar colors

Comments (6)

  1. Andreas Janz

    show number with a consistent number of decimal places (use round function)

    Not sure if this is possible. I guess this is a general issue with floating-point precision:

  2. Andreas Janz

    This seams to work, but I’m not sure, if we should do it this way. I would rather create a QGIS feature request for allowing to set the number of digits to render.

  3. Andreas Janz

    add a glow / halo effect to improve character contrast to background pixels with similar colors

    For me it is fine as is. Please provide a specific setting you want to have.

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