spectral library memory vector layer not selectable in QgsProcessingMapLayerComboBox

Issue #1083 resolved
Andreas Janz created an issue

After creating a library…

… I can’t select the library in a QgsProcessingMapLayerComboBox widget, e.g. for using the library as training dataset:

How to reproduce.

  1. Create a new library:

  2. Try to select the library in any QgsProcessingMapLayerComboBox that allows vector layers.

Comments (10)

  1. Andreas Janz reporter

    how did you start the Create Classification dialog?

    It’s a general problem, you can use any QgsProcessingMapLayerComboBox widget.

  2. Benjamin Jakimow

    Now you can select speclibs with/without geometries and file/memory based.
    But it seems that there is an additional filter that prevents these speclibs to be set after selecting them in the combobox

  3. Andreas Rabe

    But it seems that there is an additional filter that prevents these speclibs to be set after selecting them in the combobox

    You are using the deprecated Classic version. Here you need to also specify a renderer before the layer will be accepted.

    We haven’t yet decided, if Classic will be removed for v3.10.

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