improve BBL column in GDAL Metadata widget

Issue #1088 closed
Andreas Rabe created an issue

BBL (bad band multiplier list) is not a good name for the column.

As we also don’t say “Names List”, but simply “Name”, a better name would be “Bad Band”. Now, the boolean values true/false make more sense.

Comments (11)

  1. Andreas Rabe reporter

    Also keep in minf, that we already have an band properties editor, that can manipulate the values in a raster source. Column names in both widgets should match, to not confuse the user.

    I’ll create a Trello card for discussing that later.

  2. Benjamin Jakimow

    I would agree,
    but in this case BBL is a legacy term, used in ENVI headers and an abbreviation widely known in IS community.
    Tip: the tooltip explains what it means

  3. Andreas Rabe reporter

    BBL is a legacy term, used in ENVI headers and an abbreviation widely known in IS community.
    Tip: the tooltip explains what it means

    I would disagree,

    Yes, we support BBL specified in an ENVI header, but that is just a special case. In general, bad band multipliers are specified here, no matter what GDAL format is used:

    Also see:

  4. Andreas Rabe reporter

    Also, I would argue that an ENVI Classic user will understand, that the “Bad Band” column is showing the BBL.

  5. Benjamin Jakimow

    I think this needs more expertise from other users.
    AFAIK we also never had a team decission on the details of (just that I mentioned we should not put this into the public docs without have a discussion on it first).
    However: for medata keys which are not covered by the ENVI header format I do agree to you.
    In this specific case I would prefere to use the shorter and widely known abbreviation (defacto standard) “bbl” instead of a long string. Same for “fwhm”.
    Of course, the “bbl” for list indicated a plural, but this is the same for “wavelength_units”.

  6. Benjamin Jakimow

    The BBL column contains a single checkbox or true/false only. Using a longe names for (“bad bands”, bad bands list”) requires too much space and decreases readibility of other the colum values

  7. Andreas Rabe reporter

    I think this needs more expertise from other users.
    AFAIK we also never had a team decission on the details of (just that I mentioned we should not put this into the public docs without have a discussion on it first).

    If I remember correctly, we both talked several times about it. And as requested, I’ll also put that into an RFC.

    We can have additional meetings with other people if you like, but I definitly need a good solution for the v3.10 release. So that all the algorithms and apps already using the band-wise bad band information are still working.

    However: for medata keys which are not covered by the ENVI header format I do agree to you.
    In this specific case I would prefere to use the shorter and widely known abbreviation (defacto standard) “bbl” instead of a long string. Same for “fwhm”.

    I don’t like abbreviations too much. BBL may be confusing to non-ENVI user.

    Same for “fwhm”.

    Agreed, no problem with writing it out: “full width at half maximum“

    Of course, the “bbl” for list indicated a plural, but this is the same for “wavelength_units”.

    No, you would actually say that a band is using “Nanometers”.
    (But we also had that discussion in the past 😅)

  8. Andreas Rabe reporter

    The BBL column contains a single checkbox or true/false only. Using a longe names for (“bad bands”, bad bands list”) requires too much space and decreases readibility of other the colum values

    I don’t like that argument.

    Alright, I guess we should talk about it in detail.

    BTW - I also don’t like WL and WLU 😉

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