Enmap-box 3 cause QGIS crash

Issue #109 closed
Former user created an issue


I am using QGIS 3.0.2 to install Enmap-box 3 (latest version). It is sucessfully installed and required packages installed as well (GDAL version is 2.2; sklearn, pyqtgrapgh...). However, QGIS always crash when Enmap-box3 is enabled. Does it concern to Python version? Both Python 2.7 and Python 3.3 are available in my Linux system (Lubuntu).

Would you give me an advices?

Best regards, Thang

Comments (5)

  1. Benjamin Jakimow

    Current requirements are oriented to the most-recent QGIS. By now this is Python 3.6 (not 3.7) and


    These requirements are listed in <REPO>requirements.txt and can be installed with pip e.g. "python -m pip install -r <REPO>requirements.txt"

    However, there might be problems for interdependent package version, e.g. between gdal, scikit-learn and numpy, and some of them might need to get installed using a local OS package manager. This is definitely something we need to better understand.

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