Copy Layer styles from QGIS view

Issue #112 closed
Stefan created an issue

Would be great if the copy/pasting of layer styles from/to the QGIS view could be implemented in the Box.

Comments (2)

  1. Benjamin Jakimow

    added read_vsimem and write_vsimem to closes issue #112 (copy QgsRasterLayer & QgsVectorLayer styles (= renderer) from QGIS to EnMAP-Box and back

    → <<cset 70d99006771b>>

  2. Benjamin Jakimow

    added read_vsimem and write_vsimem to closes issue #112 (copy QgsRasterLayer & QgsVectorLayer styles (= renderer) from QGIS to EnMAP-Box and back

    → <<cset 70d99006771b>>

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