[Map View] zooming out really far gives error

Issue #1228 resolved
Andreas Rabe created an issue

How to reproduce:

  • display enmap_berlin.bsq in a Map View
  • click into the map view to show the cross hair
  • zoom out very far (use the mouse wheel)
  • see error in Console

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "D:\source\QGISPlugIns\enmap-box\enmapbox\qgispluginsupport\qps\crosshair\crosshair.py", line 301, in paint
    bearing = distanceArea.bearing(x1, x0_thickmark)
_core.QgsCsException: forward transform of
(inf, inf)
Error: Fallback transform failed
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "D:\source\QGISPlugIns\enmap-box\enmapbox\qgispluginsupport\qps\crosshair\crosshair.py", line 301, in paint
    bearing = distanceArea.bearing(x1, x0_thickmark)
_core.QgsCsException: forward transform of
(inf, inf)
Error: Fallback transform failed
(1): Caught a coordinate system exception while trying to transform a point. Unable to calculate line length.
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "D:\source\QGISPlugIns\enmap-box\enmapbox\qgispluginsupport\qps\crosshair\crosshair.py", line 301, in paint
    bearing = distanceArea.bearing(x1, x0_thickmark)
_core.QgsCsException: forward transform of
(inf, inf)
Error: Fallback transform failed

Comments (5)

  1. Fabian Thiel

    Can not confirm so far on

    QGIS version
    QGIS code revision
    Qt version
    Python version
    GDAL/OGR version
    PROJ version
    EPSG Registry database version
    v9.8.6 (2020-01-22)
    Compiled against GEOS
    Running against GEOS
    OS version
    Ubuntu 20.04.4 LTS

  2. Fabian Thiel

    Yes. Maybe I am not getting this error since I am using a quite old GDAL and Proj version.

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