importing ENVI Library into Spectral View not working as expected / is buggy

Issue #1247 resolved
Andreas Rabe created an issue

I end up with multiple profile fields:

Two default vis. are provided…

… but the plot is empty:

How to reproduce:

Comments (7)

  1. Andreas Rabe reporter

    Also for Raster Layer import, I get multiple profile fields, when just using the defaults:

    I would suggest to use better default field names to avoid duplicates.

    Don’t use “raster_profile”, instead use “profiles” as a default name.

  2. Andreas Rabe reporter

    I know that I could potentially avoid the problems by manually editing the field mappings, but I would recommend to make the defaults as good as you can to avoid confusion (important for new user).

  3. Benjamin Jakimow
    • changed status to open

    The import works as expected. As your gif shows, there is a mapping table. This allows you to map fields from the import source to existing fields.

    The "bug" is the missing update of the plot after the import has been finished. If you select a single row, the entire plot should already update correctly.

  4. Benjamin Jakimow

    Re-watching your screencast, you can see that there is already a match between similar profile source and target fields.
    By default, the ENVI “profiles” are already imported into the existing “profile” field 😉

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