[Spectral View] adding a new feature is not working

Issue #1255 resolved
Andreas Rabe created an issue

How to reproduce:

  • open a new Spectral View
  • add a new feature

  • values are not stored correctly

Comments (11)

  1. Andreas Rabe reporter

    Also, it is unclear what those checkboxes are good for:

    If those are the bad band multipliers, than write it in the column header, so the user knows what he is checking on/off.

  2. Benjamin Jakimow

    Do we need this widget at all? A text box showing the spectral profile JSON could to it as well.

  3. Benjamin Jakimow

    @Andreas Janz I marked the other isuses as duplicate as they will be basically solved when addressing this issue.

  4. Andreas Rabe reporter

    Do we need this widget at all? A text box showing the spectral profile JSON could to it as well.

    Yes, just show a multi-line text widget where the user can edit the JSON String.

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