Inconsistency between metadata reported by LayerProperties/GDAL_Metadata and Raster Source Band Properties Editor

Issue #1345 new
Agustin Lobo created an issue

A gain of 1.525902189669642e-05 is reported by the Raster Source Band Properties Editor while it is reported

as NULL in LayerProperties/GDAL_Metadata

Version c7d679b

Comments (6)

  1. Agustin Lobo reporter

    Closing EnMapBox (not QGIS) and reopening changes the behaviour of Source Band Properties Editor back to the previous one…

  2. Andreas Rabe

    Thanks Agus, we (@Benjamin Jakimow and I) are aware that both tools are a bit inconsistent.

    The Raster Source Band Properties is reporting the Offset and Scale values of the GDAL data model.

    The GDAL Metadata widget is reporting the ENVI Data Offset and Data Gain values.

    Currently we have no solution for this.

  3. Agustin Lobo reporter

    And which of the 2 is the one used by the spectra? What I need are correct spectra, with gain and offset being applied. What do I have to do to get that 1.525902189669642e-05 actually applied to the spectra?

    Perhaps another reason for #1347 ?

  4. Andreas Rabe

    And which of the 2 is the one used by the spectra? What I need are correct spectra, with gain and offset being applied. What do I have to do to get that 1.525902189669642e-05 actually applied to the spectra?

    The offset and scale from the GDAL data model are relevant.

    ENVI offset and gain is ignored by QGIS and GDAL.

  5. Agustin Lobo reporter

    Then I understand that the problem is that the GDAL driver does not read all hdr fields (eg, data gain values), right?

    Therefore #1347 would be a way to solve the problem: your own way to import the hdr fields through a button in the metadata editor.

    In the meantime, is there a way to apply the gain and offset to the spectra through the Spectral Library settings?

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