Fit Random Forest Classifier cannot be used in model builder

Issue #1366 open
Benjamin Jakimow created an issue

To create a RFC model I want to combine the training steps in a QGIS model using the QGIS Model Builder.

However, it seems impossible to use the “Create classification dataset” output as input of the Fit Random Forest Classifier algorithm:

The common options to define algorithm inputs based on a static value, model inputs or algorithm outputs are missing.

Comments (10)

  1. Andreas Rabe


    I thought that this button would be provided by the Processing Framework, but it’s not.

  2. Andreas Rabe

    Code would look like this:

    But I have no idea, how to create the original widget:

    @Benjamin Jakimow do you have any idea?

  3. Andreas Rabe

    It seams to be impossible to have a custom widget, that behaves like a normal widget inside the modeler.

    I now implemented two versions of the Fit RFC algorithm, the normal one with the custom widget, and a special version for the modeler without the custom widget:

    @Benjamin Jakimow please try it out. If we like it, I will do this for all algorithms that are using custom widgets.

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