Adapting splash screen more to QGIS?

Issue #186 closed
Fabian Thiel created an issue

Maybe we should consider to adapt the size (and style) of the EnMAP Box splash screen more to the QGIS style. I think the size is 600 x 287.

If you welcome this idea I'm happy to work on that.

Comments (6)

  1. Andreas Janz

    I also thought about changing the splash screen. Currently we only see a very "pixeliges" image. We should emphasise more on the high spectral resolution rather on the low spatial resolution.

  2. Benjamin Jakimow
    • changed status to open

    What ever you like @thielfab , but it should reflect the EnMAP in EnMAP-Box.

    Technically enmapbox/gui/ui/splashscreen.png need to be replaces only.

  3. Fabian Thiel reporter

    Bisher hatte ich noch keine zündende kreative Idee, die am Ende gut aussah. Anbei mal eine kleinere Version, allerdings bin ich damit auch noch nicht zufrieden...


  4. Fabian Thiel reporter

    showMessage() alignment könnte dann noch von links auf mitte geändert werden (so ist es bei QGIS)

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