EnMAP-Box won't start, New Qt: problems with older windows versions?

Issue #199 on hold
Fabian Thiel created an issue

So the EnMAP Box finally has bluetooth support? Nice! This message pops up on startup. Running it on my fresh Python 3.7 environment (on the server). Web search suggests that PyQt import might be responsible? https://github.com/mindfulness-at-the-computer/mindfulness-at-the-computer/issues/234


Importing PyQt in the QGIS console will cause the same crash:

import PyQt5.Qt

Comments (13)

  1. Andreas Janz

    @Benjamin Jakimow can you remenber how you fixed that that last time? Wasn’t it just a minor change in PyQT imports?

  2. Benjamin Jakimow

    Which QGIS version was used for?
    AFAIK this error does not appear if imports like from PyQt5 import * (or was it PyQt5.QtCore import * ) are avoided.

  3. Benjamin Jakimow

    Mmmh. There are too many of these * imports than they might have been undetected for so long.
    Don’t know if this is the cause at all

  4. Fabian Thiel reporter

    I think I have no OS where I could test this, seemed to be mostly a problem on older Windows Systems (8, Server 2012)

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