results not visible in QGIS Layers Panel

Issue #218 resolved
Andreas Janz created an issue

After starting the EnMAP-Box, I can still run Processing Algorithms from the Processing Toolbox Panel in QGIS. Unfortunately, the resulting maps (raster or vector) are not shown in the QGIS Layers Panel.

For testing, just use the "EnMAP-Box > Auxilliary > Create Test Classification Map" Algo. The result "outClassification.bsq" will show up in the EnMAP-Box, but not in QGIS.

Comments (6)

  1. Benjamin Jakimow

    @janzandr is it expected to open each EnMAPBoxProcessingProvider algorithm file output in QGIS as well, e.g. also in case of temporary outputs?

  2. Andreas Janz reporter

    Yes, open all ProcessingAlgorithm outputs in QGIS.

    Also open results that are stored in the temp folder. The user wants to see those results and use them in further processing. The advantage of temporary outputs is the fact that one do not have to select filenames all the time (faster; less clicks).

  3. Benjamin Jakimow

    new sources are visible in the QgsMapLayerComboBox and within the EnMAP-Box sources. Drag 'n Drop allows to show them in QGIS map layer list

  4. Andreas Janz reporter
    • changed status to open

    Not sure if this is fixed now? Please clarify:

    Given: the EnMAP-Box is started inside QGIS

    When: now running a ProcessingAlgorithms (e.g. Create Test Classification Map) from the QGIS Processing Toolbox (NOT from inside the EnMAP-Box)

    Then: do the results show up in the QGIS Layer Panel?

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