EnMAP on macos Mojave

Issue #221 closed
Former user created an issue

Under the latest version QGIS constantly restarts and opens a new session.

Comments (6)

  1. Fabian Thiel

    Does this happen right after opening the EnMAP-Box or is there another action triggering this behaviour?

  2. Benjamin Jakimow
    • changed status to open

    Seems to be caused by:

    from enmapboxapplications.synthmixapp.core import SynthmixApp which is called in enmapboxplugin/enmapbox/coreapps/enmapboxapplications/__init__.py

  3. Benjamin Jakimow

    Caused by from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestRegressor


    • import sklearn
    • sklearn.__init__ imports sklearn.base
    • sklearn.base calls from .utils.fixes import signature
    • sklearn.utils._joblib.py

    Seems to be the joblib library:

    • use pip3 install joblib, then import joblib causes the same
  4. Benjamin Jakimow


            if QOperatingSystemVersion.current().name() == 'macOS':
                # os.environ['SKLEARN_SITE_JOBLIB']='True'True
                # fix for issue #221
                os.environ['JOBLIB_MULTIPROCESSING'] = '0'
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