edit multiple cells of an attribute table

Issue #251 closed
Andreas Janz created an issue

Feedback from EARSeL tutorial: when filling the attribute table of a spectral library, many profiles will have the same value for an attribute. Would be nice to select a set of profiles and set the value of an attribute for all profiles at once.

Example: select 4 soil profiles, set "level_1" attribute to "soil" for all profiles at once.


Comments (1)

  1. Benjamin Jakimow

    pulled LMU and EnPT updates

    major changes: - fixed vector layer editing - added attribute table to modify vector layer values - closes #251 - refactoring

    details: enmapbox_gui.ui - modified menu separators - added mActionMapLinking to main toolbar

    enmapboxresources.qrc - added enmapbox/gui/ui/icons/viewlist_attributetabledock.svg

    datasourcemanager.py - added tooltips to DataSourceGroup nodes

    dockmanager.py - added AttributeTableDockTreeNode - DockTreeView menu allows to open the attribute table for a vector layer

    docks.py: - added AttributeTableDock

    enmapboxgui.py: - added internal VectorLayerTools object to easy vector layer editing - implemented updateCurrentLayerActions - added .freezeCanvases(b:bool) - added .dockTreeView() - added setCurrentLayer()

    → <<cset d2d7eb13028d>>

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