QgsProcessingAlgorithm layer names

Issue #262 closed
Benjamin Jakimow created an issue

Problem: Layer names of layers created with QgsProcessingAlgorithms

In the EnMAP-Box it correctly says OUTPUT.tif, but in the QgsMapLayerComboBox it uses the nasty Title from the dialog Converted


In QGIS we would need to set the checkmark in the Processing setting, but when starting the Box in stand-alone mode from PyCharm, I cannot do it that way.

Comments (7)

  1. Benjamin Jakimow reporter

    I guess this requires to somehow modify the QGIS settings and how new created raster sources are opened as QgsRasterLayer

  2. Andreas Janz

    @Benjamin Jakimow isn’t that the checkbox in the precessing toolbox setting?
    ”Use filename as layer name”

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