provide data type info in DataSource Panel

Issue #413 resolved
Andreas Janz created an issue

Comments (10)

  1. Andreas Janz reporter

    Technical note: in case of a VRT, each band might have a different data type. In this case put the data type behind the band name:

  2. Andreas Janz reporter

    Currently it looks like that:

    The “x2 Bytes” is not really of interest for the user. More important would be the actual type. This is known from ENVI Classic Available Bands List.

    Use 220x400x177 (Int16)

  3. Andreas Janz reporter

    Better 2 Byte (Int16)

    220x400x177x2 Bytes (Int16) is fine for me

    Because floats and doubles can be different on different systems

    I think you mixed up something here. In QGIS / GDAL the size of a data types is exactly defined: Int16, Int32, Float32, Float64, etc.

    So having 220x400x177 (Float32) should be self explaining. But we can habe 220x400x177x4 Bytes (Float32) if you like that better.

  4. Benjamin Jakimow

    I think “220x400x177x4 Bytes (Float32)” is optimal, because it easily allows to calculate the total data amount (in bytes) and shows limitations by the data type itself. Programmers might be aware what Float32 means, but I doubt that all users know.

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