Classifcation Statistics processing time + visualization

Issue #470 resolved
Benjamin Jakimow created an issue


The Classification statistics app allows to select normal multiband images without any class label information.

In case of “enmap_berlin.bsq” this leads to an “endless” GUI-blocking processing in the main thread. Furthermore, histogram labels can not be read as well (see screenshot)


  • process in a parallel thread
  • hide raster layers without class label info from the QgsMapLayerComboBox (via setExceptedLayerList())

Comments (6)

  1. Andreas Janz

    That’s exactly what I reported in one of the last VidCons and via Email :-). So let’s discuss this next time. I create a Trello card.

  2. Benjamin Jakimow reporter

    If there is no classification scheme information at all, there is nothing to discuss about, right?

  3. Andreas Janz

    Technically, every unique value is interpreted as a category (aka a class). So, even for a hyperspectral image, you can count all the unique values and create the plot.
    We haven’t decided, if a raster is only a valid classification, if it as valid category names and colors defined.

  4. Andreas Janz

    So, now we decided at the last Zoom VidCon (BJ and AR), that only a raster with a Paletted renderer is a valid classification.

    If he really wants to, the user can still use a hyperspectral raster band, but now has to setup a Paletted renderer with many many classes first.

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