ONNS terminates too quickly and does not produce an output

Issue #471 resolved
Former user created an issue

Hi Andreas et al.,

ONNS terminates after a few seconds and does not produce any output. I used the test data subset from Sylt provided by Martin Hieronymi, which it works fine in his pure Python version of ONNS.

I run QGIS 3.10.6 for Windows and have all the reqiured packages installed.

Many thanks and best regards, Marcel

Comments (9)

  1. Andreas Janz

    Please try again with the latest EnMAP-Box Version released today. There was one issue fixed, that should/might solve your problem as well.

  2. Marcel König

    Hi Andreas,

    thanks for your fast reply.
    I have installed the latest version (3.6.20200622T094124.master) but the problem still persists.

    Is there anything else I can try?
    Let me know if you need any further information.


  3. Andreas Janz

    Found the problem and fixed it.

    I also added the STDOUT/STDERR output to the Log widget. So. if something went wrong, you should see an error message, e.g.

  4. Andreas Janz

    Yes, but the fix is not yet online available via QGIS Plugin Manager. Do you need it right away, or can you wait fpr the next release?

  5. Marcel König

    It would be great to have it right away because I would like to use ONNS in a lecture next week.

    Is there another way to update the plugin?

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