Classification Workflow fails with Raster + Vector Input

Issue #511 resolved
Benjamin Jakimow created an issue

Classifcation Workflow cannot be used with the following data. While class names, -colors and strata sizes are found, it throws “Error: raster and reference grids do not match”.

Testdata is attached, raster and vector file are projected in EPSG:3035,, the vector layer needs to get a classified symbol renderer first.

Comments (4)

  1. Andreas Janz

    The bug is specific to the given dataset. The raster and the vector have the same spatial reference WKT string, but when burning the points into a raster, GDAL slightly changes the WKT string.

    So, the direct string comparison says that the WKT strings do not match.

    Also ogr.SpatialReference.IsSame says that the spatial references do not match 😞

    As a quick and dirty fix, I simply disabled the consistency check … hope is doesn’t blow up later 😬

    # original wkt
    # wkt after burning

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