do not render profiles that are excluded from Categorized Symbol Renderer

Issue #519 resolved
Andreas Janz created an issue

Given the testdata library:

After setting up the renderer to only show some Symbols, e.g. “vegetation”…

… only show the “vegetation” profiles. Do not plot the other profiles in a random color:

Comments (11)

  1. Benjamin Jakimow

    Is this really users would expect if they can select a SpectralProfile in the attribute table, but it is not rendered at all?

  2. Andreas Janz reporter

    Yes. That would be so helpful to only visualise a subset of the profiles. Please!!! 🙏

    If you like the comparison to map layers: here it is done in the same way:

  3. Eike Lie

    😱omg, how to get this nice thing “colors from vector renderer”? I don’t have that 🤨

  4. Benjamin Jakimow
    1. Have QGIS 3.14+ installed
    2. Open the QGIS Plugin Manager Settings and activate “Experimental Plugins”
    3. Install EnMAP-Box version 3.7.20201002T173515.develop, which should be available since 2020-10-02 17:55
    4. Now can activate vector symbology colors

  5. Benjamin Jakimow

    @Andreas Janz in “vector symbology colors” mode, profiles without vector layer symbol are rendered with the default profile color (not a random color/style).

    The question is what should happen if profiles are listed in the attribute table but, according to the “vector symbology” without a symbol?

    • showing profile features in the attribute table but not in the plot could be misleading, as users might think there are not profile values at all
    • otherwise the standard qgis attribute table always shows features, even those excluded from the map canvas visualization by vector render settings

  6. Andreas Janz reporter

    The question is what should happen if profiles are listed in the attribute table but, according to the “vector symbology” without a symbol?

    Do not plot profiles that have no symbol.

    Do not plot profiles that have an unchecked symbol.

  7. Andreas Janz reporter

    If possible, also use the Alpha/Opacity color value for plotting. This way, profiles with Alpha=0 would also appear not plotted.

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