PA results are opened in QGIS Layers Panel and not in the EnMAP-Box DataSources Panel

Issue #534 resolved
Andreas Janz created an issue

try for example this PA

Comments (11)

  1. Benjamin Jakimow

    The question is whether each new QGIS datasource should be listed in the EnMAP-Box data source panel?

    Such QGIS layer sources can be added to the EnMAP-Box data source list with the “Add datasources that are opened in QGIS” (that why I think it’s not a blocker)

    Relates to #430

  2. Andreas Janz reporter

    Wait, I run a PA from within the EnMAP-Box and the results are opened in QGIS. That’s incorrect behaviour. Until recent, all PA results where opened inside the EnMAP-Box DataSourcesPanel. For me it looked like a bug that sneaked in lately (not a proposal).

    And, if I start the EnMAP-Box from PyCharm, all the results go to nirvana (that’s a blocker).

  3. Andreas Janz reporter

    @Benjamin Jakimow we need this before the release!

    For example, when opening an EnMAP product in the Box, it isn’t shown in the DataSources Panel, but in QGIS Layers Panel.

  4. Andreas Janz reporter

    PA results are now loaded to EnMAP-Box datasource panel as well 2f1efb2


    We could also add in-memory vector layers.

    Are those OGR Layers from the 'Memory' driver?

  5. Benjamin Jakimow

    No, its a different QGIS driver. I dont’t know how to open them with OGR. However, we could add them to the Data Source list, as they are valid QgsVectorLayers.

    Are hubflow models returned in the PA outputs?

  6. Andreas Janz reporter

    Are hubflow models returned in the PA outputs?

    Yes, all the Fit Classifier/Regressor/etc. will create a model.

  7. Benjamin Jakimow

    @Andreas Janz Do we still need to connect the EnMAP-Box to the hubflow.signals.sigFileCreatedSignal?

    E.g. calling “CreateTestClassifierRandomForest” creates a RFC model that is added to the EnMAP-Box by now reading the PA outputs (requires the PA to be run with the QgsTaskManager).
    sigFileCreatedadds other file data, which seems to be temporary only like the points.bsq

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