EnMapBox Roadmap?

Issue #584 resolved
Agustin Lobo created an issue

Is there a roadmap for the forthcoming versions? In particular, for when is v 3.8 planned and

which improvements are foreseen?

(I suggest adding category “questions” to Kind)

Comments (6)

  1. Andreas Janz

    We have no official/public roadmap for upcomming versions and features.

    Regarding bug fixes (e.g. your reported issue #517) we will have from now on a mutch faster update cycle. Bug fixes will be released weekly as QGIS stable version.

    New (cutting edge) functionality will be released as QGIS experimental version first.

    Both versions can be installed via the QGIS PlugIn Manager.

  2. Andreas Janz

    (I suggest adding category “questions” to Kind)

    Sorry, we can’t add new categories. Best fit would be ‘proposal’ I guess.

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