error message when plotting agains datestamps

Issue #586 closed
Andreas Janz created an issue

use a FORCE TSI timeseries stack to reproduce this

numpy.core._exceptions.UFuncTypeError: ufunc 'subtract' cannot use operands with types dtype('

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:\source\QGISPlugIns\enmap-box\enmapbox\externals\qps\externals\pyqtgraph\graphicsItems\", line 222, in boundingRect
    self._boundingRect = QtCore.QRectF(xmn-px, ymn-py, (2*px)+xmx-xmn, (2*py)+ymx-ymn)
numpy.core._exceptions.UFuncTypeError: ufunc 'subtract' cannot use operands with types dtype('

Python version: 3.8.5 | packaged by conda-forge | (default, Aug 29 2020, 00:43:28) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]
QGIS version: 3.14.16-Pi Pi, exported

Python Path:

  • C:\source\QGISPlugIns\enmap-box\enmapbox\apps\ensomap
  • C:/miniconda/envs/qgis/Library/./python
  • C:/Users/janzandr/AppData/Roaming/QGIS/QGIS3\profiles\default/python
  • C:\source\QGISPlugIns
  • C:/Users/janzandr/AppData/Roaming/QGIS/QGIS3\profiles\default/python/plugins
  • C:/miniconda/envs/qgis/Library/./python/plugins
  • C:\miniconda\envs\qgis\Library\python
  • C:\miniconda\envs\qgis\Library\python\plugins
  • C:\Users\janzandr
  • C:\miniconda\envs\qgis\
  • C:\miniconda\envs\qgis\DLLs
  • C:\miniconda\envs\qgis\lib
  • C:\miniconda\envs\qgis\Library\bin
  • C:\Users\janzandr\AppData\Roaming\Python\Python38\site-packages
  • C:\miniconda\envs\qgis
  • C:\miniconda\envs\qgis\lib\site-packages
  • C:/Users/janzandr/AppData/Roaming/QGIS/QGIS3\profiles\default/python
  • .
  • C:\Users\janzandr\AppData\Roaming\QGIS\QGIS3\profiles\default\python\plugins\ee_plugin\extlibs_windows
  • C:\source\QGISPlugIns\enmap-box
  • C:\source\QGISPlugIns\enmap-box\site-packages
  • C:\source\QGISPlugIns\enmap-box\enmapbox\externals\qps\externals
  • C:\source\QGISPlugIns\enmap-box\enmapbox
  • C:\source\QGISPlugIns\enmap-box\enmapbox\coreapps
  • C:\source\QGISPlugIns\enmap-box\enmapbox\apps
  • C:/Users/janzandr/AppData/Local/Temp

Comments (8)

  1. Benjamin Jakimow

    Please provide testdata to reproduces this. Optimally a 3x3 px stack that can be used in unit-tests (I don’t have a FORCE TSI stack)

  2. Benjamin Jakimow

    Can’t you provide a smaller example? If the EnMAP-Box supports TS data, such data should be part of the test-data suite. E.g. a 10x10 pixel subset, just to show the “temporal capabilities”

  3. Andreas Janz reporter

    For testing, i would recommend to just create an in-memory dataset in your unit test, that’s what I usually do.

    Can you reproduce the error on the big dataset?

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