Missing demo data for EngeoMap (cubus_gamsberg.zip)

Issue #592 open
Agustin Lobo created an issue

Comments (14)

  1. Agustin Lobo reporter

    Not resolved. The library aggenesys_field_library is missing. The tutorial cannot be run without it.

  2. Helge Daempfling

    I have made a slight tutorial update including a new link to the complete dataset in one zip file including library and civ file. Please see Pull requests. I don’t have any privileges to commit changes.

  3. Helge Daempfling

    The small tutorial update is now online containing a new link to the complete data set.

    the issue can be closed.

    A completely new (more easy to understand) tutorial for a revision on EnGeoMAP (3.1) is in the works.

    Kind Regards

  4. Agustin Lobo reporter

    I confirm



    are within the zip now, but:

    1. The import Spectral Profiles tool of EnMap-Box requires ENVI Spectral Libraries to be *.esl or *.sli files. This is probably just a matter of renaming gamsberg_field_library
    2. gamsberg_field_library.hdr wrongly states

    file type = ENVI Standard

    3. cubus_gamsberg.hdr lacks the map info field. Without it, EnMap-Box kindly and repetitively asks the usser to “Specify CRS for layer cubus_gamsberg” 7 times.

  5. Helge Daempfling

    Hi Augustin,

    1. and 2.

    the format is the right one for the EnGeoMAP tool. It requires the spectral library to in this format as stated in the tutorial - it is an issue with GDAL (fundamental package) and how it loads data that I don’t know any quick workaround for. If you want to use the spectral library with the EnMAP-Box you will need modify the .hdr file with a text editor and change:

    file type = ENVI Standard


    file type = ENVI Spectral Library

    It will be very clearly explained in the upcoming tutorial for the new EnGeoMAP version.

    3. I will try to get a georeferenced verision or add the map info myself

    Thanks for reporting,


  6. Agustin Lobo reporter


    Thanks. But I disagree. Any package or tool must conform to standards, and the standard for Envi spectral libraries is having “file type = ENVI Spectral Library” in the hdr, hence you should modify EnGeoMap and not drop the responsibility on the user shoulders to make odd changes in the hdr.

  7. Helge Daempfling

    Yes, that is true. The problem is unfortunately with the gdal package and we can't replace gal easily. But I have an idea to solve this. If I find the time I will write a function that will modify the .hdr file on the fly when loading the data and change it back once EnGeoMAP finished calculations.

  8. Andreas Rabe

    Yes, that is true. The problem is unfortunately with the gdal package and we can't replace gal easily. But I have an idea to solve this. If I find the time I will write a function that will modify the .hdr file on the fly when loading the data and change it back once EnGeoMAP finished calculations.

    Note that @Benjamin Jakimow has already implemented an ENVI SLI reader:



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