if EnMAP-Box tries to load a buggy processing algorithm, the error is not correctly catched

Issue #612 resolved
Andreas Janz created an issue

Comments (7)

  1. Benjamin Jakimow

    In that case we would not deliver this as python plugin at all, as the master does not pass the CI tests, right?

  2. Benjamin Jakimow

    It’s because

    line 343: class Qgis(object)


    line 39: from qgis.core import Qgis

    (for details Qgs.MessageLevel))

    I think it is better if you to rename the `Qgis(object)` class instead of overwriting qgis.core classes that are imported into the QGIS python shell by default.

    As Qgis(object) does not return QGIS API, but hubdc objects, it could be a name like EQI(EnMAP-Box - QGIS Interface) or EQB (EnMAP-Box-QGIS-Bridge) or better similar.

  3. Andreas Janz reporter

    I see. Totally forgot about that Qgis class we introduced a while ago. Shall we just delete that again? I never really used it.

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