SpectralView and CursorLocationValues-Panel aren't concidering additional no data values correctly

Issue #619 closed
Andreas Janz created an issue
  1. use a raster where the no data value is not set
  2. set in in the GUI

The MapView is working correctly and clips no data pixel, but SpectralView and CursorLocationValues aren’t using the additional value correctly:

Comments (6)

  1. Andreas Janz reporter
    • changed version to 3.9

    Would be nice to have that fixed for v3.9. If not possible we can move it to 3.10.

  2. Andreas Janz reporter

    Not working correctly on enmap_berlin testdata with additional no data value set to 653:

    1. Cursor Location Values are now correctly reported as None.
    2. E.g. for pixel (53, 102), the SpectralView is still drawing the additional no data value of 653 at band 38. There should be a gap.

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