Opening WMS changes QGIS Project/Main canvas CRS to EPSG:3857

Issue #656 resolved
Fabian Thiel created an issue

How to reproduce:

  • Go to Tools → Open WMS Layer
  • Select e.g. Google Satellite
  • In Data Sources select this layer and open in new Map View

Comments (6)

  1. Benjamin Jakimow

    Data Source URL:


  2. Benjamin Jakimow

    This behavior is cause by the QgsLayerTreeMapCanvasBrigde (qgsmaplayertree.cpp line 112 ff):

      if ( mFirstCRS.isValid() && firstLayers )
        const QgsGui::ProjectCrsBehavior projectCrsBehavior = QgsSettings().enumValue( QStringLiteral( "/projections/newProjectCrsBehavior" ),  QgsGui::UseCrsOfFirstLayerAdded, QgsSettings::App );
        switch ( projectCrsBehavior )
          case QgsGui::UseCrsOfFirstLayerAdded:
            const bool planimetric = QgsSettings().value( QStringLiteral( "measure/planimetric" ), true, QgsSettings::Core ).toBool();
            // Only adjust ellipsoid to CRS if it's not set to planimetric
            QgsProject::instance()->setCrs( mFirstCRS, !planimetric );
          case QgsGui::UsePresetCrs:

    In a new EnMAP-Box MapView, the QgsLayerTreeMapCanvasBrigde connected the QgsMapCanvas with its LayerTree. Added a new layer to the QgsMapCanvas will set mFirstCRS to the new layers’s CRS and trigger:

    QgsProject::instance()->setCrs( mFirstCRS, !planimetric )

    which changes the QGIS MapCanvas CRS. By commit history, this has been added to

  3. Benjamin Jakimow

    @Fabian Thiel the problem should not exist anymore if there is at least one layers visible in the main QGIS layer tree. Please check and close this issue if appropriate.

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