PyCharm-like object browser

Issue #672 resolved
Andreas Janz created an issue

I very much like the new infos:

For the “array” element I would suggest to show the actual values of the sub-arrays:

Comments (23)

  1. Andreas Janz reporter

    The PKL browser is not showing numpy arrays nicely anymore.

    This is how it was:

    This is how it looks now:

    You can reproduce this with the \enmap-box-testdata\enmapboxunittestdata\classifier.pkl file.

  2. Benjamin Jakimow

    It’s alway a good idea to check if other parts of the EnMAP-box still refere to removed API parts

  3. Andreas Janz reporter

    Not sure why you have this problem. Everything should be still available:

    >>>from hubflow.core import FlowObject, Map
    >>>import hubflow
    <module 'hubflow' from 'D:\\source\\QGISPlugIns\\enmap-box\\site-packages\\hubflow\\'>

  4. Andreas Janz reporter

    Maybe it is only your PyCharm? Have you set 'D:\\source\\QGISPlugIns\\enmap-box\\site-packages as SourceRoot?

  5. Andreas Janz reporter

    Not yet. But, while overhauling all the algorithms, I will remove more and more functionallity from hubflow/hubdc/hubdsm.

    The idea was to have a backup of the old packages under \enmap-box\enmapbox\coreapps\_classic\hubflow

    At some point in time, we can decide to also delete this backup. Import like so:

    from _classic import hubflow

  6. Andreas Janz reporter

    While we have issues with the unittestdata, you can use the attached classifier.pkl for testing.

  7. Andreas Janz reporter

    One small thing: expanding the tree down to a NumpyArrayIterator works fine and looks good, but when collapsing the tree again, the EnMAP-Box crashes.

    Process finished with exit code -1073741819 (0xC0000005)

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