show the actual x-axis units name, e.g. Nanometers

Issue #720 resolved
Andreas Janz created an issue

Comments (20)

  1. Benjamin Jakimow

    The thickmark labels in th screenshot seems to show wavelength in micrometers, as explained by the actual axis unit label. So what is the problem here?

  2. Andreas Janz reporter

    That’s what we decided at one of the last meeting.


    Wavelength [um] → Micrometers

    Wavelength [nm] → Nanometers


  3. Andreas Janz reporter

    Wait, in the current version, something has changed:

    That looks better. Shall we skip the “[nm]” part? Kind of redundant.

  4. Andreas Janz reporter

    As discussed in bigger group, we use: <physical quantity> [<abbrev. SI unit>]

    For example: Wavelength [nm]

  5. Benjamin Jakimow

    One remark: the decission was made on the names in the unit combo box.

    We decided that x-axis name in profile plot should remain as-is.

  6. Andreas Janz reporter

    Not sure why this would be a good idea? Why aren’t we using the same names in both the combo box and the plot? I’m confused. Maybe I’m missing something.

  7. Andreas Janz reporter

    How about those?

    Band Number
    Band Index
    Wavelength [nm]
    Wavelength [um]
    Wavelength [mm]
    Wavelength [m]
    Date [yyyy-mm-dd]
    Date [yyyy.fraction]
    Date [doy]

  8. Benjamin Jakimow

    SpectralLibraryIO - refactoring ASDSpectralLibraryIO - added RasterLayerSpectralLibraryIO SpectralLibraryPlot - added SpectralProfilePlotXAxisUnitModel (addresses #720) - change X axis unit names - added basic drag and drop (needs C++ debuging :-( )

    Signed-off-by: Benjamin Jakimow

    → <<cset 8ed7aa77577e>>

  9. Benjamin Jakimow

    Looks now like:

    I removed the brackets for those cases where it is clear what will be shows.
    For Date Time I also changes the way how labels are displayed according to the zoom level (improvable)

  10. Andreas Janz reporter

    Looks good! Skipping the Date prefix makes it more readable. I have the feeling, that it would be even more readable and consistent, if we would also skip the Wavelength prefix and just use Nanometers, Micrometers, Meters, etc.

    Just a comment, please take it as you will.

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