When opening a raster band in a map view, use the full band name inside the layer name, instead only the band number

Issue #800 resolved
Andreas Janz created an issue

Instead of

LC08_L1TP_014032_20190330_20190404_01_T1_SR.vrt:NIR ( 865 Nanometers)

Comments (7)

  1. Benjamin Jakimow

    Alright, sorry, I thought you mean the name in the DataSource panel.

    Do you really want to show super long layer names like, taking your first example,

    LC08_L1TP_014032_20190330_20190404_01_T1_SR.vrt: Band5:NIR (865 Nanometers)?

    In particular because this name remains even after the renderer-specific band combination changes-

  2. Andreas Janz reporter

    this name remains even after the renderer-specific band combination changes-

    I also thought about that. So maybe we just skip the band number / band name from the layer name?

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