unexpected behaviour when dragging a speclib layer from DataViews and drop it onto another SpectralView

Issue #804 resolved
Andreas Janz created an issue

Finally, the SpectraView-TreeMenu has no child-node anymore, which should never happen, I guess:

I would expect that all profiles are copied.

Comments (7)

  1. Andreas Janz reporter

    As I said: “I would expect that all profiles are copied.” Or maybe just deactivate drag&drop for speclib layer(?)

  2. Benjamin Jakimow

    I generally disabled dragging of sub-nodes under the speclib view nodes, but I am still not happy with.

    It should be still possible to “copy” (but not “move”) the spectral library from a speclib view by D&D, e.g. to show it in a map view.
    For the Data View Tree Model this means to have node-specific drag actions.
    E.g. nodes below a Map View should allowed to get “moved” and “copied”, while nodes below a Speclib View can be copied only. However, seems that the QAbstractItemModel does not allows for this.


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